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ADHD Coaching Forum - April 2024 - Beyond the Big Signals


Beyond the Big Signals

Event Information

When someone begins the journey to find a coach, they’ve typically been feeling the impact of what’s not working and hire a coach to help fix the issue. For some people with ADHD, this can be even further amplified because the big signals are easy to respond to and simultaneously challenging to move away from.

This session explores what is beyond the Big signals, especially when clients bring organising and productivity dilemmas. Which for people with ADHD can impact all aspects of life. What is missed are the smaller signals that lead to awareness and sustainable action.

Develop further approaches to coach clients with organisational and productivity challenges beyond organising tips and productivity tools.

Recording will only be available until 31 December 2024.


Carolyn Verhoef, ACC

Carolyn is an ADHD Coach and Organiser Coach, supporting adults to create flow in life, work and home. With a background as a Chef, Retail Manager, Professional Organiser and Belly Dancer, thinking outside the box comes naturally.

Carolyn began supporting ADHD clients as a Professional Organiser and Life Purpose Coach in 2011. Becoming a Certified Organizer Coach COC and ICF Associate Certified Coach in 2020.

As the need for specialised ADHD Organising Coaching grew, in December 2022, Outside the Box Organisation Solutions, which she founded in 2007, transitioned into Outside the Box Coaching. Carolyn is located in Perth and works with adults with ADHD all over Australia and the world.

Key Learning Takeaways

  • Clients with ADHD often bring organising and productivity dilemmas to coaching
  • Discover approaches to coach these clients beyond organising tips and productivity tools

ICF Members

$20 AUD

Non Members

$50 AUD

Event Date
Michele Toner

Continuing Coach Education Units

0.75 CCEUs in Core Competencies
0.75 CCEUs in Resource Development

FGo Master Coach